Thursday, September 4, 2014

General Grant, Sequoia National Park, California

Since I skipped a few days, I'm doing two posts today! That and I went hiking on Labor Day and wanted to share that with you all!

My brother's girlfriend asked me to go hiking with her on Labor Day and it's something that I've been wanting to do so of course I said yes! But, being the tourist I am, I wasn't going to go unless there was something touristy to see! So after doing some research, I saw that General Sherman was located in Sequoia National Park. Well, the trail that she wanted to hike was over an hour away from General Sherman. Boo! However, when we were driving to our destination, we saw signs for General Grant. Not knowing much about General Grant, we decided to stop and check 'him' out and would do research on him later. There were a few signs around the area giving us some general information on him and it was actually pretty interesting!

General Grant is the 3rd largest tree in the WORLD! That's right, the world! His size is determined by the width at his base and his height. Currently, his base is 107.6 feet circumference and his height is 267.4 feet. He was named in 1867 after Ulysses S Grant, Union Army general and our 18th President of the United States. In April of 1926, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed him our Nation's Christmas Tree! So of course, I had to buy us Christmas ornaments to commemorate our little day expedition!

When visiting General Grant, I stood there in awe for a few minutes. I grew up on an almond ranch so seeing trees is nothing new to me. However, seeing a tree of this great mass was mind blowing to me. To think that this tree is over 1,650 years old is so amazing to me. Can you imagine this things that have happened on this earth during those years? If only General Grant could talk!!

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